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  • Lisa White

Notice of 2024 AGM

Updated: Jul 17

Notice is hereby given in accordance with the Rules of Incorporation that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Box Hill Cricket Club Inc. will be held on Wednesday, 31st July at 7pm both in person (at Box Hill City Oval club rooms) and on Zoom.

Relevant documents for membership and nomination can be accessed here:

Agenda - 1. Welcome by President/Chair 2. Apologies 3. Confirmation of the ordinary business of the annual general meeting is as follows- (a) to confirm the minutes of the 2023 annual general meeting (link below) (b) to receive and consider- (i) the annual report of the Committee on the activities of Box Hill Cricket Club during the preceding financial year; and (ii) the financial statements of the Association for the financial year ending 30th June 2024 submitted by the Committee in accordance with Part 7 of the Act. (c) to elect the members of the Committee; (d) to confirm or vary the amounts (if any) of the annual subscription and joining fee. Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 465 874 9695

Passcode: eKYWK9

Please ensure that any nominations for positions are accompanied by the relevant paperwork (contained in links on the website) in a timely manner. We ask that paperwork is submitted for consideration in advance, by Monday, 20th July at 5pm.

Annual Report will be available shortly.


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